Highest Quality Ayurvedic Oils For Integrative Physicians: Pure and Unadulterated

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The Padmashri Professional Ayurvedic Massage Oils Series

Balashwagandhadi Massage Oil

Balashwagandhadi Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Bala-Ashwagandha-Lakshadi taila is a classical herbal oil mentioned in the Ayurvedic text The Sahasrayoga. This classical oil is prepared in a base of cold pressed sesame oil with 16 herbs. Balashwagandhai Taila exerts a rejuvenating action on the cells, thus reinforcing the whole organism.

Uses: Bala-Ashwaganda-Lakshadi is prized among Ayurvedic physicians to rejuvenate the body and mind, forming an important component of Kayakalpa, Ayurveda’s science of rejuvenation.

Benefits: Good for all dosha types, this oil enhances complexion, is anti-inflammatory and strengthens the nerves, the heart and the immune system.

Key herbs: Indian Madder, Vetiver, Himalayan cedar, Ashwagandha and blue water lily.


Brahmi Classical Ayruvedic Massage Oil

Brahmi Oil has a refreshing quality and a special effectiveness on excessive Pitta. Applied daily to the head, it prevents premature grey hair and hair loss, reinforces all sense organs, and alleviating disturbed nerves. This important formula contains Ayurvedic herbs traditionally used as “Medhya Rasayanas” or “Mental rejuvenatives”, including the herb Brahmi (Bacopa monniera), whose name means ‘consort of the divine’

Uses: Traditionally used to nourish the head, brain and nervous system. Used on a daily basis, Brahmi Taila helps to awaken the divine within, to promote a healthy, balanced and positive mental outlook.

Benefits: Brahmi Taila is traditionally used to promote learning, memory and concentration, and can be used safely in both the children and elderly.

Key herbs: Bacopa, Amalaki, False daisy, licorice and milk.



Dhanvavtara Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Dhanvantara oil is a fragrant, earthy oil, containing 28 herbs and has a potent anti-oxidant effect. Rejuvenates the body and skin and increases immunity.

Dhanvantara Taila is named after the God of Ayurveda, Dhanwantari and is described as Bala Taila (Strengthening Oil) in the classical Ayurvedic text called Vaidya Yoga Ratnavali.

Uses: It is traditionally used in the treatment of Vata disorders including weakness, fatigue, weight loss and fertility problems.

Benefits: Dhanvantara Taila is a balancing and nourishing Ayurvedic massage oil that is good for all body types (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) and is beneficial for neurological and rheumatic diseases as well as for pre and post natal care. It is also a shirodhara oil.

Key herbs: Ashwagandha, Triphala, Indian Mallow, fenugreek and milk.



Gulguluthikthakam Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Gulguluthikthakam taila is a classical herbal oil described in the famed Ayurvedic text called Ashtanga Hrdaya.

Uses: It is traditionally used in the treatment of all types of skin issues and ulcerations, as well as joint and muscle problems.

Benefits: This oil acts as a medium for the subtle power of herbs, transporting their therapeutic energies deep within the tissues. It helps to balance doshas, nurture the body’s systems and support the elimination of toxins.

Key Herbs: Guggul, neem, ginger and guduchi


The Padmashri Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oils Series


Mahanarayana Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Mahanarayana Taila is a variation on the classical Ayurvedic oil called Narayana Taila, named after the god Vishnu (Narayana), to denote its auspicious properties.

Uses: This is very effective for relieving the pain. Vata and pitta types should just rub the oil on the surface, while kapha types should give a deeper massage to the area for some time.

Benefits : It is traditionally used to alleviate Vata disorders, and helps to relieve problems associated with the muscles, ligaments, joints and nervous system. This is very effective for improving flexibility and refresh the muscles and joints.

Key herbs: Wild asparagus, saffron crocus, cardamom and licorice.



Hair and Scalp Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Padmashri Hair and Scalp Oil is an Ayurvedic treatment traditionally used in “champi”, to nourish the head, the scalp, hair and nervous system.

Uses: Use as a normal hair care regimen to the hair and scalp allowing it to sit in the hair for 10-20 minutes, followed by shampoo and conditioner.

Benefits: Strengthens hair, fight against dandruff and infection and gives a lustrous, modern look without the use of chemical products.

Key herbs: Prepared with a combination of several carrier oils including coconut, sesame, wheat germ and jojoba oils, with Cedarwood (Cedrus deodara) and Vetivert (Vetiveria zizanoides), Kacholam (Kaempferia galanga) and Tea tree oil.



VATA Classical Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Nourishing Vata oil (Kottamchukadi Taila). Padmashri Vata oil is prepared with vata-reducing herbs in a base of cold pressed sesame oil which gives this oil an earthy, grounding and nourishing quality.

Vata dosha pertains to all movement in the mind and body and represents the element of air and ether. Vata is considered the leader of all three doshas so it is important to keep Vata in balance.

Uses: Mental and or physical agitation dryness of skin, sensitivity to weather and weakened digestion.

Benefits: Nourishes skin and muscles, calms the body, improves digestion and relieves pain.

Key herbs: Traditional formulation with Costus, Ginger and Calamus.



Cooling PITTA Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Cooling Pitta oil (Chandanadi Taila). Padmashri Pitta oil is prepared with Pitta-reducing herbs in a base of cold pressed sesame oil which gives this oil serene and pacifying quality.

Pitta pertains to metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. Pitta represents the element of Fire and water.

Uses: Skin sensitivity, anger issues, and excess heat, irritation and inflammation.

Benefits: Cools, relaxes and pacifies the mind and body.

Key herbs: Traditional formulation with White Sandalwood, Amalaki, coconut water and Indian lotus



Invigorating KAPHA Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Padmashri Kapha Oil (Karpuradi Taila) is prepared with Kapha-reducing herbs in a base of cold pressed sesame oil which gives this oil a delightfully aromatic and invigorating scent.

Kapha pertains to structure and lubrication in the mind and body. Kapha represents element of Water and Earth.

Uses : Poor circulation, body pain, weigh issues, nasal and other congestion.

Benefits : Energize and stimulates the body, promotes mild sweating, stimulates circulation and detoxifies system.

Key herbs : Traditional formulation with Bishop’s Weed, Arjuna, Cardamom and Camphor.



Balancing Tridosha Ayurvedic Massage Oil

 Balancing Tridosha oil (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) Padmashri Tridosha oil is a combination of oils prepared with herbal extracts and cold pressed sesame oils created in strict accordance with Ayurvedic principles and are free from chemicals, colors and preservatives.

Tridosha means balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It pacifies to all three dosha. It is good for all seasons, all weather conditions, and all body types.

Uses : Balance and alleviate aggravations of three doshas where symptoms are complex and variable.

Benefits: Preventatively used to maintain good health and stamina.

Key herbs: Kushta, Sandalwood and Camphor.



Baby Balance Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Padmashri Baby Balance Massage oil has been formulated to support health and wellness during baby’s first few years.

Ayurveda recommends the daily application of massage oil over baby’s entire body to bring calmness, peace and emotional satisfaction to the baby.

Uses : Aid digestion, elimination and strengthening nervous system of the baby. Supports moisture balance and provide overall nourishment and rejuvenation to adult skin.

Benefits : Improves complexion, nourishes the tissues, Tones the muscles and protects the skin against infection.

Key herbs : Traditional formulation with gentle acting herbs like white sandalwood, Bala and Ashwagandha.


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